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- More movies about abortion, before or post abortion counselor, fetal, unborn baby development, fertility, demographic winter, bioethics, cloning etc. for details visit:
Lethal Injection: The Story of Vaccination - Find and also: Vaccines are tested on aborted children tissues (infanticide, unborn killed) that is HDCS [Human Diploid Strain] ("technology" used based on HDCS is named also WI-25 [Wistar Institute twenty-five HDCS: Wi-1 through Wi-25 (Wistar Institute fetal samples (derived from different fetal, human, unborn children tissues) numbers 1 - [to] 25)] (Start using aborted children tissues to produce vaccines in 1960s at Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, and because abortion was illegal in United States in that time Wistar Institute received fetal tissue from dr. Sven Gard from Karolinska Institute Medical School in Stockholm from Sweeden...), WI-38 [was obtain from a three-month-old female fetus, that is a 3 month from conception an unborn baby girl killed through an abortion, by an surgical abortion! - World Health Organization is accomplice with pharmaceutical industry for testing viruses on HDCS from aborted babies tissues form: lungs, kidney, etc.], PER C6 [tissue from human embryonic retina cells], RA 27/3 [Rubella Abortus twenty-seventh (27th) fetus third tissue extract from an aborted unborn child, baby, killed unborn through abortion virus strain was obtain from a human female fetus in a series of twenty-seven (27) abortions this fetus (unborn baby girl) was from a twenty-five-year-old (25 years old) mother exposed to rubella eight weeks after her last menstrual period (8 weeks from conception of the unborn aborted baby girl) in United States... the fetus was surgical aborted (unborn baby girl was killed) by seventeen days (17 days) after maternal illness and dissected immediately... It was then grown on WI-38.], WI-26, WI-44, Wistar RA 27/3, Diploid Cell Origin, MCR-5 [MicroCarrier Culture-5, a line of normal human diploid cells [HDC], by the microcarrier tecnique from Merck Research Laboratories (MRL)], etc.) so VACCINES that you do (vaccinate with) contain DNA and proteine (structures) FROM ABORTED BABIES, from HDCS (Human Diploid Cell Strain) that are from aborted babies (unborn babies killed through surgical abortion [etc.] unborn baby broken in pieces by abortionists, by unborn babies killers!) where viruses are tested on, and also vaccines contain other animal DNA and proteins, contain also toxic substances (poisons) so Big Pharma Industry contains also Abortion Industry, Big Pharma is the Big Killer in complices with politicians from Governments and private companies and people that accept abortions or don't do nothing to stop abortions (killing unborn babies) and other killing by Criminal Industries like Big Pharma (that include Cosmetics Industry that some products contain aborted babies tissues, products like creames, etc.; also aborted babies tissues are included in Food Industry owned also by Big Pharma [that own also Agro-Alimentary Industry] softdrinks some articles: Pepsi, Nestle, Kraft, etc. fro flavoring, to make products tastier), etc., see other important information details in video !!!
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More movies about abortion, before or post abortion counselor, fetal, unborn baby development, fertility, demographic winter, bioethics, cloning etc. for details visit:
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More movies about abortion, before or post abortion counselor, fetal, unborn baby development, fertility, demographic winter, bioethics, cloning etc. for details visit:
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More movies about abortion, before or post abortion counselor, fetal, unborn baby development, fertility, demographic winter, bioethics, cloning etc. for details visit:
March 25th – International Day of Conceived Child, of the Unborn Child Life Begins at Conception
LA MARCHE POUR LA VIE est mobilisée contre le dérèglement bioéthique La bioéthique est l'éthique de la vie - la défense de la vie - est la morale de la science en général et de la médecine en particulier. La bioéthique est l'éthique dans les relations avec les autres êtres vivants.
MARCH FOR LIFE is mobilized against deregulation, disruption of bioethics Bioethics is the ethics of life - the defense of life - is the moral of science in general and medicine in particular. Bioethics is ethics in relationships with other living beings.
MARSUL PENTRU VIATA este mobilizat impotriva dereglarii, perturbarii bioeticii Bioetica reprezinta etica vietii - apararea vietii - este morala a stiintei in general si a medicinei in special. Bioetica este etica in relatiile cu fiintele vii.
PRO-VIE ET PRO-FEMME vont main dans la main
Unborn children are human beings, are people - Proof, pictures, testimonials.
How a child looks at 12 weeks: Noah, 12 weeks child (from the moment of conception) - Amazing photo of Noah (miscarriage at 12 weeks and 5 days - 02.20.2014) show HUMANITY OF UNBORN BABY.
- How looks a baby at 12 weeks. Photos and troubling testimonies about six babies aborted (miscarriage - loss of pregnancy, premature births: Noah - 12 weeks and 5 days, Adelaide Caines - 24 weeks, Walter Joshua Fretz - 19 weeks, Nathan Isaiah - 13 weeks and 4 days, Christian Buchanan [mother of Christian, Lacey, made this video on YouTube that conveyed their story. People told him to have an abortion or have asked why did this when they saw his handicap Christian. But Lacey was always convinced that Christian - and all the other children - are valuable, despite any disease, disability or difficult circumstance that they or their parents might face. Christian showed the world that every child deserves a chance at life .] David Raphael - 6 weeks) -
Abortion Clinics, Family Planning Clinics and "Reproductive Health" services EXPOSED! [Undercover investigations - video recordings with hidden camera that you can see below]
Trafficked organs from aborted children (killed by abortion - ABORTION or "termination of pregnancy" = INFANTICIDE) or organs of live children (born-live abortion - abortion by partial-birth), cildren are killed through sampling (crushed, broken, cutting into pieces the body of the little children [as children are still alive] in or outside the uterus) tissues and organs (heart, liver, lungs, thymus, eyes, nervous tissue [brain, spinal cord], feet and hands [the muscles], etc.) so tissues and organs "sampled, taken" for purposes of "research" are sold illegally (smuggled, trafficked) for "clinical trials" of drugs, cosmetic products for "research into cell regeneration" with or without stem cells, etc., selling organs of aborted children (or killed in or outside the uterus after taking tissues and organs) is done to: BioTech companies - Biotechnology [StemExpress, Novogenix, ABR (ADVANCED BIOSCIENCE RESOURCES, INC - Advanced BioScience Laboratories, Inc. (ABLinc): Advancing Vaccines and BioTherapeutics), etc.] or BigPharma (companies from Big Pharmaceutical and Cosmetics industry), universities, etc.
Undercover investigations were done with hidden camera for a period of 3 years (2012 - 2015) from The Center for Medical Progress.
"PROFIT" - Planned Parenthood's Illicit Moneymaking From Baby Body Parts - Abortion clinics, "Family Planning Clinics" and "Reproductive Health Services" EXPOSED!
"The response to crisis pregnancy is to eliminate the crisis, not the child." (Jeannie W. French) Because there's always a reason to choose life!
"Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what it wants." (Mother Teresa of Calcutta) "Abortion kills consciousness and destroy peace." (Mother Teresa of Calcutta)
"Number of abortions show moral status of a nation." (Patriarch Kirill of Russia)
"The way to achieve the common good and peace is above all respect for human life." (Pope Benedict XVI)
"Without the right to life, no other right can not be understood." (Ronald Reagan)
Book ABORTION: The Ultimate Exploitation of Women - MEN STARTED IT - MEN OPPRESS WITH IT - MEN CAN END IT - Brian E. Fisher, 2013
Anti-Abortion, Pro-Life Campaigns
The Pill Kills - The Pill Kills Women - The Pill Kills Babies March for Life in the World - Pro-Life - Pro-Vita
PRO LIFE + PRO WOMEN go hand in hand - PRO LIFE CAMPAIGN - March For Life - Friday January 22nd 2016 in Washington DC, USA -
En marche pour la Vie - Dimanche 13 Janvier 2013 Paris, France -
Come to Washington to tell Congress: NO abortion in health care!
Prevent Washington D.C. bureaucrats and abortion industry lobbyists from forcing YOU to pay for abortions.
On Friday, January 22nd, 2010, hundreds of thousands of pro-life activists will gather to memorialize the 37th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, and they must be heard with one voice, saying “NO Abortion Funding in Health Care.”
March for Life 2010 - Washington DC - Friday, January 22nd 2010 - Pro-Life March Anti-Abortion Campaign also by: