ECPM supports March for Life Initiative Tuesday 22 December 2009 11:27
The European Christian Political Movement supports the March for Life Initiative. The organizers for this March come from several ideological backgrounds but they all want attention for the fact that all born and unborn infants deserve life, respect and protection.
The march will take place in Brussels on 28 March 2010. If you want more information about this initiative you can go to
The ECPM hopes that several of its members will be present in March to step up and defend the rights of those who are not able to defend themselves.
In France one campaign is done by:
March for life in other countries: Rally for Life - Ireland
March for Life - Canada
Marcia per la Vita - Italy
Si a la Vida - Spain
Mars pentru Viata - Slovakia
Anti-Abortion - Gov. Video
Partial-Birth Abortion Illustrated Video The Crime of Crimes / Pro-Life Anti-Abortion Film
Supermodel Kathy Ireland uses Science and Reason to tell Mike Huckabee why she became Pro-Life (for life, anti abortion). She was pro-choise (for abortion) in the past
She does talk about being a Christian but makes her point using science not blind faith as a basis.
She correctly tackles the fundamental questions: What is the issue? What is the unborn? and What is the value of human life? After all you can't have a position that is either pro-life or pro-choice unless you can answer the question - What is the unborn?
If it were not a life then you would not have to abort it. If the unborn is not a human being then no justification is necessary.
If it is a human being then no justification is adequate (for abortion).
There is after all no difference on your DNA when you are an adult, child or just a few cells not yet fully developed but still fully human in nature.
Body size does not determine value.
The former Presidential candidate Huckabee learned something and maybe you will as well.
Kathy Ireland, about pro-choise (pro abortion) thinking: "...Some people say is a womens body, it should be her choise. There is a 50% chance the baby she's caring is a male child and he would have a penis. Women don't have penises ! So he (baby) is residing in her body is not a part of her body ! ..."
Sex have always a price - Sexuality - Intimate relations before marriage
Sex has a price tag - 59 minutes
Pam Stenzel, Founder of ENLIGHTEN COMMUNICATIONS Inc., tackles today's tough issues of sex with candor, insight, humor, and the challenge for young people to get the abstinence advantage.
Pam has traveled worldwide, speaking in person to over 500,000 young people each year about issues of sexuality and the importance of abstinence - her videos are viewed by millions worldwide.
Pam also holds seminars with parents and educators regarding issues of teen sex and how vital character building is in a child's upbringing.
People today are faced with a raging plague of sex related problems.
Pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases - including HIV - and rape statistics are at all time highs.
Even so, today's society encourages sexual activity, and young people must have a compelling reason to commit to sexual abstinence.
In "Sex Has A Price Tag" internationally renown communicator, Pam Stenzel, combines her personal story and extensive pregnancy counseling experience into a hard hitting look at the consequences of sexual activity outside of God's design for sex, which is marriage.
In this captivating and inspiring talk, Pam tackles the tough issues of sex with candor, insight, humor, and a challenge for young people to get the "abstinence advantage".
Source: - Pro-Vita Bucharest on Youtube:
The Consequences of Cultural Preferences for Male Babies, by Steven Mosher (World Congress of Families V)
Steven W. Mosher is the President of the Population Research Institute, spoke of a "Gendercide in Asia."
According to Mosher, policies that limit the number of children a family are a contributing factor to the trend of sex-selective abortions; which Mosher called "a chilling reality in many countries in Asia."
Mosher cited an estimate from the British medical journal The Lancet that as many as half a million female fetuses are aborted in India each year because of their gender. Mosher further claimed that “the problem extends beyond India” and is bringing about disastrous consequences.
Mosher: "A recent United Nations Population Fund report says at least 60 million girls are ‘missing’ in Asia because of sex-selective abortion, infanticide and neglect."
Steven W. Mosher is the President of the Population Research Institute.
Speech is given prior to the international premiere screening of the documentary "Demographic Bomb", a sequel to the well-known "Demographic Winter", during the World Congress of Families V (Amsterdam, august 2009).
Recorded by LifeMedia Vision, Holland, at World Congress of Families V (Amsterdam, august 2009). Uploaded by Provita Bucharest [ ].
Other Pro-Vita (Pro-Life) movies from Pro Vita Bucharest who bring them in Romania from USA and other international countries from Pro-Life organisations, can be seen at this link:
The Truth Trucks - The Truth about Abortion - Anti-Abortion Campaign by Operation Rescue - USA

The Vision
Wanna know of what the pro-aborts are MOST afraid?
They've told us!
Not long ago, a pro-abortion newspaper in LA ran a lengthy front-page feature story blasting Operation Rescue West.
The whole article was dedicated to the fact that...
In The Fight Against Abortion!
The fact that most pro-aborts are now publicly admitting that this is what they HATE THE MOST just shows how effective our Truth Truck project really is.
They can't stand the fact that we have the gall to not only document but DISPLAY the American Holocaust as it's happening - in virtually every American city you can name.
But, of course, the pro-aborts don't deter us in the least. In fact, they spur us on to keep going!
You see, we're out to reach the hundreds of millions of Americans who - even after 36 years of legalized abortion (Roe vs Wade 1973) in this country - STILL don't know what an aborted baby looks like.
They haven't seen the truth.
Until now.
Source: - The Vision
Where We Go
MILLIONS of people have seen our TRUTH TRUCKS
 We've been everywhere and done everything (Well, almost!). We've been to hundreds of cities, large and small, all across America.
We go to the busy downtown areas ... to the big shopping malls ... to the crowded beaches ... to sporting events ... we get in city parades - wherever there are lots of people - we're there!
We've been to the Super Bowl ... the Olympics in Salt Lake City ... the Democratic Convention ... the St. Patrick's Day Parade ... Mardi Gras in New Orleans ... the Daytona 500 in Florida ... to the biggest abortion clinics in the country ... even to the big Planned Parenthood fundraisers!
You name it, we've done it, or will do it.
We have saved more babies and changed more people's minds than with any other project we've ever conducted.
Source: - Where We Go
Our Mission
We determine to make the horror of abortion an unavoidable issue, and to make the Lord Jesus Christ paramount in our nation.
We determine to couple these together so child-killing will soon be dead itself.

Source: - Our Mission
Truth Truck Will Deliver New Year’s Message To Pro-life Traitor Sen. Ben Nelson
Neighborhood protest of Senator’s home will show the truth about the results of taxpayer funded abortion
Posted January 1, 2010 at 10:18 am
Omaha, NE – An abortion protest featuring Operation Rescue’s Truth Truck will be conducted on New Year’s Day near the Omaha home of Sen. Ben Nelson.
The protest against Nelson’s scheme for tax-funded abortions will be held on January 1, 2010, in the neighborhood of 9735 Fieldcrest Drive in Omaha, Nebraska, beginning at 2 PM, Central Time.
“The Pro-Life Movement will be making Sen. Nelson aware of our New Year’s Resolution. We will no longer tolerate betrayal of politicians who pretend to be pro-life. If you betray the innocent blood of the babies you have promised to protect, we will vote you out on Election Day. It’s as simple as that,” said Rescue the Heartland’s Larry Donlan, who will be driving Operation Rescue’s Truth Truck, a large paneled vehicle displaying actual photos of aborted babies.
“If Nelson is so bent on forcing us to fund abortions, it is appropriate for us to show him the truth about what abortion does to babies,” said Operation Rescue President Troy Newman.
Nelson betrayed the trust of his pro-life constituency by accepting what has become known as the “Cornhusker Kickback” in which he exchanged his vote for abortion funding in the Senate’s health care bill in exchange for financial favors for Nebraska.
Nelson continues to attack those who once avidly supported him by making statements on radio and television ads defending his indefensible act and making further threats if his “deal” is “watered down” by the conference committee that will be charged with reconciling the House and Senate versions.
However, Rep. Bart Stupak has indicated that he and ten other House members will not vote for the final health care bill if it contains Nelson’s abortion funding scheme or any other plan for abortion funding. Thirteen State Attorney Generals have announced that they will sue to prevent the implementation of any health care legislation that contains Nelson’s “Cornhusker Kickback.”
“In the latest poll, 72% of the American people opposed taxpayer funded abortions. That percentage is likely higher in Nelson’s home state. Nebraskans do not want the blood-money that the Democrats promised in exchange for Nelson’s vote approving abortion funding,” said Newman. “When our elected representatives refuse to represent the will of the people in favor of their own interests, then it is time to rebuke them and kick them out.”
Source: Truth Truck Will Deliver New Year’s Message To Pro-life Traitor Sen. Ben Nelson -
Planned Parenthood Exposed !
Hospitals, "Family Planning" Clinics unmasked, exposed in America (what lies behind the doors, abortion counselors abuse and doctors abuse who violate even the "law legalizing abortion" in order to maximize revenue, profit. Came clinics where abortion is done, "Family Planning" (Family Planning) clinics are also arround the world as clinics network of "family planning" generally use the same tactics and strategies for handling young, pregnant women as those in America, "the same Marie with another hat".
Lila Rose Lays Out the Case Against Planned Parenthood on "The Factor"
Planned Parenthood is a Pro-Abortion (Pro-Choise) organisation in America and for the year ending 2008 total revenue they took in is 966.7 millions $ and most of them corse from abortion procedures.
Previews interview is made on basis on next tape made by Lia Rose. On next tape you also can see confessions of former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson, she confesses that: "Planned Parenthood really tries to instill in their employees and the women that are coming for abortions that: is not a baby, this is just a mass of cells. Don't say baby in the clinic ! Don't say baby to the women coming in for an abortion" (...) she also confesses that the doctors from Planned Parenhood: "they are really trying to INCREASE thei abortion NUMBERS because that is the most lucrative part of their business" for details see next video:
Investigation of medical lies and manipulation at Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin
Planned Parenthood Exposed (Exposed!)
Lila Rose with Bill O'Reilly on Planned Parenthood Abuse Coverup Scandal
Lila Rose with Glenn Beck on Planned Parenthood Statutory Rape Cover-Up
Lila Rose president of a Pro-Life movement in America. We are a youth led movement dedicated to building a culture of life and ending abortion, the greatest human rights injustice of our time. We use new media to educate the public about the humanity of the unborn and investigative journalism to expose threats against the vulnerable and defenseless.
See more on YouTube Channel:
American Life League's - Training and Activism Week - Join us! January 2010

2010 Training and Activism Week
Marching with hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers at the 37th annual March for Life: * Meeting and networking with young pro-lifers from all over the country
* Training given by experienced, successful veteran pro-lifers
* Hitting the streets of D.C. to spread the pro-life message
* Praying at Planned Parenthood
* Music, praise and worship
* Special-event hoodie
Come to Washington to tell Congress: NO abortion in health care!
Prevent Washington D.C. bureaucrats and abortion industry lobbyists from forcing YOU to pay for abortions.
On Friday, January 22nd, 2010, hundreds of thousands of pro-life activists will gather to memorialize the 37th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, and they must be heard with one voice, saying “NO Abortion Funding in Health Care.”
More details on:
A two-minute overview of abortion
Anti-Abortion Campaign by
A two-minute video overview of abortion. What it is, who it affects, how it is performed, why it happens, and why it is unjust.
The graphic portions of this video have been obscured through pixelization. For an unfiltered look at what abortion actually does to the most helpless members of the human community, visit
Abortion - Alfonzo Pro-Life (Anti-Abortion) Speaker versus the Barack Obama President Pro-Choise (Pro-Abortion)
What is the ultimate stamp of a woman's power, bringing forth life, or canceling it?
The Pill Kills 2009: The Pill Kills Women
On Saturday, June 6 2009, pro-lifers across the country will be participating in the largest protest ever against the birth control pill and other birth control products. Last year, participants across the United States shared the facts on exactly how the pill kills babies. This year, we will expose the sordid details surrounding the tragic effects these chemicals have on women. We will emphasize the truth about how the pill kills women.
Join American Life League and protest the pill. Help us unmask the truth and hopefully save lives. You can do this by having a presence outside of doctors offices, pharmacies, Planned Parenthood clinics and other family planning facilities, or even out on the sidewalk at a busy intersection. Wherever it is help get the word out! The Pill Kills WomenThe Pill Kills Women - Pilula (anticonceptionala, contraceptiva, hormonala, etc.) Omoara Femeile
Dr. Paul Carpentier, certified by the American Academy of FertilityCare Professionals, presents healthy alternatives to the birth control pill.
Dr. Lynn Kerr, an associate clinical professor from the University of California at San Francisco, explains the deadly side-effects of the birth control pill.
Marie Hahnenberg, researcher for American Life League, announces The Pill Kills '09: The Pill Kills Women, an international protest against the deadly effects of the birth control pill.
Marie Hahnenberg, researcher for American Life League and Project Manager for Protest the Pill Day 2009 - The Pill Kills Babies. All pro-lifers across the country are call for Protest the Pill Day scheduled outside of the Planned Parenthood clinics and other Family Planning clinics on June 7, 2009. "(...) It will be the the largest protest against the birth control pill this country has ever seen and certainly will not be the last (...)" - Marie Hahnenberg for more details see the previews video. For more details see video conferences with certified doctors: -
More about: Pro-Life, Pro-Vita, Pro-Life and Anti-Abortion Campaigns, Pro-Life March, Abortion chain clinics like Planned Parenthood (Planned Parenthood has branches all over the world in many countries, also in Romania) that are EXPOSED because of their medical lise and manipulation and much more see on: - Alege Viata - Choose Life Youtube Channel:
12-year-old Lia's speaks out on the issue of abortion - Pro-Life
12-Year-Old Lia's Pro-Life Speaker versus the Barack Obama President Pro-Choise
Lia's Pro-Life Speech on Parliament Hill in Ottawa
ProLife Campaign - Jane Roe's Pro-Life commercial (Former Abortion Activist)
"Jane Roe" or Roe vs Wade case witch legalized abortion on demand in America in 1973. She is now a Pro-Life Christian. She's recently done a commercial about it.
Jane Roe's real name is Norma McCorvey - Human Life Supporter.
Links, Resources: - Norma McCorvey's website: "Roe No More": - Who is 'Jane Roe'? Anonymous no more, Norma McCorvey no longer supports abortion rights. CNN 2003 article: - Father Frank Pavone interviews McCorvey:
- Operation Rescue: Operation Rescue® is one of the leading pro-life Christian activist organizations in the USA. Operation Rescue® recently made headlines when it bought and closed an abortion clinic in Wichita, Kansas and has become perhaps the most visible voice of the pro-life activist movement in America. Its activities are on the cutting edge of the abortion issue, taking direct action to restore legal personhood to the pre-born and stop abortion in obedience to biblical mandates.
- Norma McCorvey on Wikipedia:
Beyond the dark valley (Romanian subtitles)
The captivating 30-minute program features stories of women and men who have suffered the devastating consequences of abortion.
It discusses the medical and scientific evidence that supports their stories and helps women who have never confronted their regret at having an abortion.
'Beyond the Dark Valley' refers those hurting from abortion to resources where they can find hope and healing after abortion and encourages those hurt by abortion to tell their stories.
Honest Answers (Romanian subtitles)
Complex Problems, Serious Questions... Honest Answers
”I just want this problem to be gone! I can’t have a baby now”. Thoughts like these swirl through the mind of a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy. Fear, confusion, guilt and anger battle it out as she tries to find a path that will lead her „back to normal.” Although she may cringe at the thought, abortion may seem to be the only option that will guarantee she will get her life back under control.
Honest Answers, a brand-new film for women facing crisis pregnancies, sensitively and candidly tackles the issues surrounding an unplanned pregnancy. Selena Lin, M.D. describes the physical characteristics of a pre-born baby at different stages of development, as well as abortion procedures and the accompanying risks at each stage. Interwoven with these facts are the testimonies of women who have had unplanned pregnancies. Whether they choose adoption or parenting, women from all walks of life speak with poignancy and openness about their experiences. A woman facing these tough decisions can hear for herself some of the feelings and concerns she is experiencing as these women share their raw, honest, and unscripted stories.
Anyone talking with a woman in crisis pregnancy will find Honest Answers an invaluable resource for helping her understand the truth regarding her options, while providing a moving look at the personal stories of women in similar circumstances.
What About Abortion? (Romanian subtitles)
"What About Abortion?" provides honest answers to medical questions about abortion. Set in an interview format, Emily Aiken, speaks with two health-care professionals about fetal development, abortion procedures, and risk factors for abortion.
Guests include: *Dr. Allen Moore, M.D.-an OBGYN and Fellow of the American College of Abstetrics and Gynecology. *Julie Dozier, a Licensed Professional Counselor
In the Wake of Choice (Romanian subtitles)
Documenting the Effects of Abortion in a Pro-Choice (Pro-Abortion) World.
Filmmaker Miguel S. Campbell follows Ann Marie Cosgrove as she talks with people affected by aboriton. Women, men, families and freinds bravely share their stories. See the pain of living with a terrible secret. Come to understand the suffering in silence. Experience the journey toward healing. Find the hope that beings to grow. We live in a world full of choices. This film documents the effects of abortion in a pro-choice world. Produced 2007.
Uploaded by ProVita Bucharest [ ]
- Alege Viata - Choose Life Youtube Channel:
- Truth About Abortion the Romanian version (see here more videos and conferences in english too):